Recent content by HPL

  1. H

    Get Rid of UDS

    Maybe linked to this old bug (occurs since day one of UDS): switching from Driver to Surveyor via UDS, then back to Driver, and the next save becomes a new session instead of a saved game (even if nothing has been made in Surveyor).
  2. H

    Just Like Starting Over

    First thing to do: install a backup software (AOMEI or similar), create a system image and a bootable device.
  3. H

    loss of locomotives

    This is the proof YOU did something wrong at some time.
  4. H

    Missing Kuids? Post them here.

    It is "Packaged" in "Sebino Lake, Italy (1980s)".
  5. H


    Neither by Trainz Plus members. To resume: by nobody!
  6. H


    The question is: why is there a purchase price showing (same for all other "Trainz Plus only" items)... as it can't be purchased?
  7. H

    Missing Kuids? Post them here.

    To RocketCity: could you please stop creating mutliple posts in different places for the same missing assets?
  8. H

    Missing Kuids? Post them here.

    You didn't mention what version of Trainz you are using. They are all "Built-in" in Trainz Plus: <kuid2:565249:100951:1> Passenger male16 sitting <kuid2:565249:100927:1> Passenger male4 sitting <kuid2:565249:100971:1> Passenger female9 sitting <kuid2:565249:100963:1> Passenger female5 sitting...
  9. H

    Horseshoe Curve missing dependencies

    <kuid2:45324:24851:1> MG Tower (modern) • "Packaged", from "Coal Country", and from JR's "Monongahela & Western Pennsylvania" <kuid2:156765:100440:2> Sign NS Milepost • "Packaged", from "Tidewater Point Rail v3" and "Legacy of the Burlington Northern v2", and from JR's "Eagle River Railway" &...
  10. H

    Problem with BN Oasis

    • "Packaged": <kuid:103475:37017> VR Stockyard Sheep Fence • from "VR Healesville - 1913-1920 TRS19", "Coal Country", "Bairnsdale to Orbost Line C1970-80s" and "Healesville - 1913-1920" <kuid:175455:200092> JR Tipple NT Sign • from "Coal Country" and "Tidewater Point Rail v3"...
  11. H

    loss of locomotives

    You should have your keyboard repaired too, it seems caps aren't working.
  12. H

    loss of locomotives

    EJB, did you read this part?
  13. H

    4-7-24 - New Payware Releases - BNSF SD9-3, UP SD40 1980's style, B40-8 ATSF including BNSF patch, CN ET44 Heritage Set 1

    It was confusing as you wrote "the first comments" (that were about a missing dependency).
  14. H

    loss of locomotives

    Umpteenth post... You have been already answered.
  15. H

    Missing Kuids? Post them here.

    I think I found why: those "Built-ins" load from 1004.tzarc, which is "TRS22 - Additional Content Package 3".